Local Programs

4-H at Home
Explore educational activities for kids and teens while they're home from school during COVID-19. Fun educational activities to help your child learn valuable skills and gain experiences that will help them continue learning and doing all year long. Some of the activities include - Explore Solar Power, Calming Glitter jars, Responding to Bullies, Easy Density Rainbow, and many more.
Go online HERE to download the new 4-H at Home Activity Guide. There are many more activities and learning resources to sign up for as well.
4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.
4-H Vision
A world in which youth and adults learn, grow and work together as catalysts for positive change.
As the youth development program of the nation’s 109 land-grant universities and the Cooperative Extension System, 4-H fosters an innovative, “learn by doing” approach with proven results. The 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development, a longitudinal study conducted by the Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development at Tufts University, shows youth engaged with 4-H are:
- Nearly two times more likely to get better grades in school;
- Nearly two times more likely to plan to go to college;
- 41 percent less likely to engage in risky behaviors; and
- 25 percent more likely to positively contribute to their families and communities.
General 4-H Information
The Dickenson County Extension Office has information on many different Agriculture and Natural Resources subject areas. Some of those include -
> Livestock
> Gardening
> Crops
> Natural Resources and the Environment
> Pest Management
> Emergency Preparedness
Typical services include:
> Soil testing and fertilization recommendations
> Insect, disease, and weed identification and control
> Pesticide safety training
> Forage testing
> Advice on livestock, crop and garden production
The family unit is the cornerstone of a healthy community. Virginia Cooperative Extension strives to improve the well-being of Virginia families through programs that help put research-based knowledge to work in people's lives. Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) educators help Virginians learn to make good choices for themselves and their families. This, in turn, strengthens their communities and the commonwealth.
Engaging with Communities
Virginia Cooperative Extension specialists in community viability work with Extension agents, campus-based faculty, organizational partners, communities, and individuals to further opportunity and build capacity in five program areas:
- Leadership & Planning
- Community Enterprise and Resiliency
- Community Food System and Enterprises
- Community Planning
- Emerging Community Issues
Examples of our work include training county elected officials, educating entrepreneurs, facilitating collaborative projects, supporting the growth of community food systems and local economies, enhancing agent skills and community capacity in facilitation and leadership, conducting problem-driven research, and creating publications and tools that address critical community needs.
Do you have a question about Community Viability?
Perhaps one of the Community Viability specialists below can help you. Contact a Community Viability specialist or direct a question to them using our Ask an Expertsystem.